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City of Irvine Facility Reservations

1 Civic Center Plaza, Irvine, CA 92606



Thank you for your interest in reserving a City of Irvine facility. This application must be submitted 30 days prior to your event date.  Allow up to 10 business days for a reservation team member to make initial contact regarding the status and details of your application.  For questions, contact 949-724-6620 or


City of Irvine Facility Reservation business hours:

Monday-Thursday: 7:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m.

Friday: 8 a.m.-5 p.m.

Saturday/Sunday: Closed



  • Only submit ONE application. You will get the chance to add preferences to dates and locations within the application. Duplicate applications will be canceled.
  • Be prepared to submit required documents in the application as it will expedite the process. If you don’t have them all, you can bypass the submission but they will be required before issuing the final permit.
  • Review which category applies to you as it pertains to rental fees and required documents.
    • Category A
      • Nonprofit organizations – Click here for required documents. 
      • Schools (K-12) & Government – Irvine Business License; Insurance and endorsement may be required.
    • Category B
      • Households/Private Individuals – Utility bill within the last 30 days for Irvine resident rates; Insurance and endorsement may be required.
      • Universities & Colleges (Public/Nonprofit) - Irvine Business License; Insurance and endorsement may be required.
    • Category C
      • Commercial & For-Profit Entities - Irvine Business License; Insurance and endorsement may be required.

Are you 21 years of age or older?

Click "NEXT" to proceed with the application.

Please have someone that is 21 years of age or older submit the application on your behalf.


Your Name

Are you reserving on behalf of a business or organization?

Address of individual, business, or organization

Are you the contact for this event?

Event Contact Name

Is the event contact 21 years of age or older?

Event Contact must be 21 years of age or older.


What is the date of your event?

Date Picker

Are you flexible with this date?

Please consider set-up and breakdown time between your guest arrival and departure time.


Alcohol service shall not last more than five hours and must be suspended 1.5 hours prior to guest departure time. Applicants must provide the following and pay associated fees:

  • Liquor liability insurance added to your general liability insurance.
  • City of Irvine Alcohol Use Permit
  • Security Guard and Additional staff
  • Licensed bartender or serving attendant from your group who has completed "Special Event Server Training" and is at least 21 years of age.


Custodial Service may be added to your reservation upon request for additional fees. They are responsible for picking up and removal of trash on floors, removal of trash to dumpsters, wiping down tabletops, counters, and chairs used (after the event), wiping down kitchen amenities, sweeping and mopping of kitchen floor, vacuuming floors, cleaning restrooms, replacing products, and cleaning spills during the event. They are NOT responsible for waiting on tables, serving food, removing decorations or personal items, carrying items to cars/parking lot, or room setups.


Please provide the following information regarding your event:

I would like to reserve:

If your indoor facility is not be available, please list your second and third choices.

Will your event have any of the following that may require a Special Event Permit?

  • Tents larger than 10x10
  • Raised stages/platforms of any size
  • Sound/lighting systems
  • Multiple vendors/sponsor/exhibitor booths
  • Road closures
  • 5K/10K races


Please visit this link to determine if your event requires a Special Event Permit from the Irvine Police Department. 



If you are looking to host your event at the Great Park, please submit this application instead.

If you are not hosting your event at the Great Park, please continue with the submission of this form and Facility Reservations staff will review your application and be in contact with next steps.

If your picnic shelter or garden area is not be available, please list your second and third choices.

Will your event have any of the following that may require a Special Event Permit?

  • Tents larger than 10x10
  • Raised stages/platforms of any size
  • Sound/lighting systems
  • Multiple vendors/sponsor/exhibitor booths
  • Road closures
  • 5K/10K races


Please visit this link to determine if your event requires a Special Event Permit from the Irvine Police Department. 



If you are looking to host your event at the Great Park, please submit this application instead.

If you are not hosting your event at the Great Park, please continue with the submission of this form and Facility Reservations staff will review your application and be in contact with next steps.


Please visit this link to determine if your event requires a Special Event Permit from the Irvine Police Department. 



If you are looking to host your event at the Great Park, please submit this application instead.

If you are not hosting your event at the Great Park, please continue with the submission of this form and Facility Reservations staff will review your application and be in contact with next steps.


Bounce houses are only permitted in selected areas at Neighborhood Parks. Neighborhood Parks usually do not have public facilities or staff present. Picnic areas cannot be reserved and are available on a first-come, first-served basis for groups of 49 or less. Alcohol, personal cooking equipment and vendors (e.g., caterers or entertainers) are not permitted. 

Please click here for Bounce House requirements. 

If your bounce house park location is not be available, please list your second and third choices.


Two permits are required for commercial filming and photography:

1.  A Facility Reservation Permit is required when filming and/or photography takes place in City parks, athletic fields, community centers, and trails.

2.  A City Film Permit must also be obtained through the Irvine Police Department following the initial contact from the Facility Reservation Team. Visit this link and scroll down to click on Irvine Film Permit.

For use of open space areas: 

Facility Reservation site staff will provide an Open Space form to be submitted for approval in addition to the permits above.

Groups must adhere to the following stipulations:

1. Shall only utilize designated trails. Shall not go off trail or into the landscape at any time.

2. Must not block/rope off trails at any time and is not exclusively reserved for filming.

3. No surface disturbance may occur with any filming equipment. 

4. No lighting equipment that could pose fire safety concerns. This means no generators as a power source and only LED lights that do not emit a heat source.

6. No alcohol or vendors permitted

7. Handheld equipment only; no props or large equipment permitted.

8. Please check trail status for possible weather-related closures at

9. If trails are closed due to weather, no trail access permitted. Applicant must stay on paved areas in event of muddy/closed trails. 


Areas of the Irvine Open Space Preserve may be available for reservation for a limited number of uses.  The primary purpose of the preserve is to maintain natural habitats, and availability for private reservations is limited to support healthy wildlife habitats and managed recreation use.  All use must be approved by the Irvine Ranch Conservancy prior to approval by City staff.

Requests for recreational or commercial use off-trail or at night will not be permitted.  For questions or to apply for an Open Space Permit, Irvine Ranch Conservancy can be reached at  

Please complete submission of this form along with application directly to the Irvine Ranch Conservancy.

Is the use of the Open Space Preserve area for research purposes?


On a limited basis, grassy areas of the park may be available for reservation at designated locations subject to all City reservation policies and fees.

Please note: Amplified sound is not allowed before 9 a.m. and may vary at different locations. All applicants are responsible for obtaining any necessary permits and licenses required by the City or other regulatory agencies.


All vendors providing a service onsite is required to have an Irvine Business License. Click here for more information.

What type(s) of vendor(s) will you be hiring for your event? Select all that applies.

Will your event generate, distribute, provide or sell food?


To reduce edible food waste, SB 1383, the California Code Article 10 Section 18991.3.(c) requires food generators [e.g., food service vendors, restaurants, and private entities] operating at a large venue or large event to not dispose any surplus edible food into the trash or organic recycling container.

For more information about SB 1383 requirements, please see the Food Service Flyer and Guide.

If you have excess edible food at the end of your event, you must do one of the following to avoid its disposal:

  1. Keep edible food for later reuse or distribute to employees or staff;
  2. Donate surplus edible food to a food recovery organization (FROs);
    • If you donate edible food, you must maintain a list of FROs that receive your donation
    • Keep a copy of the contract or written agreement with the FROs
    • Record types of food donated, and the frequency and quantity of donation in pounds recovered per month by FRO

Note: If you choose to do the second option, the City of Irvine will provide assistance as needed.

Please note the above actions are NOT required if you do not have any surplus edible food for disposal or if there are extraordinary circumstances that make food recovery impracticable.

For questions or concerns, contact Jon M. Huls, the City’s consultant, at


Please submit the following documents if it pertains to you. You may continue to submit your application without them, but they will be required before issuing the final permit.

  • Most Recent Utility Bill (ex. Gas, electric, or waste management) – For Category B Irvine Residents Only
  • Irvine Business License – For Categories A, Category B-Universities and Colleges, and Category C
  • Nonprofit Authorization Letter
  • Nonprofit 501c3 or State of California nonprofit incorporation papers
  • Nonprofit Membership Roster or Mission Letter of Philanthropic Service

Most Recent Utility Bill

Click Here to Upload

Irvine Business License

Click Here to Upload

Nonprofit Authorization Letter

Click Here to Upload

Nonprofit 501c3 or State of California Nonprofit Incorporation Papers

Click Here to Upload

Nonprofit Membership Roster or Mission Letter of Philanthropic Service

Click Here to Upload


You will be provided with a Receipt upon submission.